
Healthcare Microgrid Designs

NFPA-110 (standard for emergency and standby power systems) classifies hospitals as critical facilities. Most hospitals are able to meet this demand with backup generators and large fuel supplies. Microgrids have the ability to provide a more cost-effective and continuously operating energy system, which can reduce risk while simultaneously reducing daily operating costs. 

Healthcare microgrids are always active, providing alternative baseload energy sources for day-to-day energy supply of a healthcare facility. The always-on power assets are coordinated through microgrid controls which can be monetized in ways that traditional diesel sources cannot. A microgrid can circumvent demand penalties, tariff management, and participate in demand response in return for financial benefits.

Healthcare Microgrid Design For Benefits 

Power Storage Solutions designs healthcare microgrid systems which provide hospitals with intelligent and transparent ways to manage their always-on energy assets, also know as Distributed Energy Resources (DERs), in a manner that idle generators cannot match.

  • Power Studies and Custom Solutions: We can provide power studies and solutions to improve energy preservation, support net-zero goals, and to reduce emissions. Our experts will help you with each step of the process from from initial design, to development, and all the way through to implementation and maintenance. We can also help support government funding applications.
  • Emergency Redundancy: We can design and provide off-grid or island power to ensure that your essential services are prepared for extreme weather, emergencies, grid maintenance or instability, and natural disasters.
  • Integrate Distributed Energy (DER) sources: Energy production can be provided in various forms. Healthcare microgrids can require complex microgrid controls for integrating solar, wind, battery, traditional utility and local generation.
  • Expansion of Current Microgrids: Power Storage Solutions can provide multiple options for increasing energy demand as municipalities grow, such as adding on more energy storage options. With increased strain on power grids due to an increased demand in electrification, we are seeing longer outages. We aim to expand your systems to become fully grid independent.
  • Monitoring and Managing Power: We can monitor your power usage and manage your power production to maximize your energy savings, emissions, and redundancy. Our healthcare microgrid solutions put YOU in control of your power.

Power Storage Solutions provides healthcare microgrid designs, which will allow you to control your collection of energy assets while all are working together. We go beyond resiliency by providing cost-effective, environmentally-friendly power solutions all while putting you in control of your power. We can help healthcare facility managers effectively navigate the new technology of always-on power.

Ready for your Microgrid Design?  Contact the Power Storage Solutions team