Stationary Power Services

Our team is focused on improving your business operations through smart, economical power solutions

Dedicated account teams specialize in working with you to provide reliability, service, & products to maintain and support your business needs.

Technical Services

Stationary Power Services

Ensure your batteries can support your facility at any moment. We perform discharge testing of battery strings using IEEE standards to determine their actual capacity. Your facility will always have the power it needs and can effectively plan for controlled replacement.

Energy Storage

We can help design solutions for your needs from Microgrids to Load Shedding to full Energy Storage. We provide a full offering of electronics to manage your system. We can pair it with multiple different battery technologies to fit your power needs and budget.

5G Power Services

5G base stations consume up to twice the power of 4G. We design new power technology and DC Power. Power Storage Solutions has fully certified installation technicians to implement these designs. Project management ensures your plan is on time and on budget ensuring our Stationary Power Services.

Preventative Maintenance

A proper battery maintenance program that identifies system anomalies and trends end-of-life trends allows you to repair or replace batteries before they fail. When you partner with us, we will conduct the preventative maintenance and provide you with the necessary documents to meet any requirement.

Contract Maintenance

We can provide you complete peace of mind. We offer a comprehensive, all-inclusive maintenance program to evaluate and automatically repair any issues. We ensure your system is always ready to perform, all under a single contract and budget.

DC Power Engineering

We have years of DC Power design experience to provide a full EF&I solution. Our technical experts can create solutions for Data Centers, Switchgear, Telecom and many other industries. Use our broad technical and product knowledge to design your next system.


We can provide on site or virtual training in any number of DC Power topics. Some of our most popular include battery maintenance; installation and preventative maintenance; properly sizing batteries; and introduction to new battery technologies.

Database Access

We provide a powerful database for all our installation, load testing and preventative maintenance. We provide you full access to all your data. We will monitor and make corrective recommendations based upon the results, helping you manage your power.

Installation Services

Stationary Power Services


We can remove and recycle your old battery system then install, properly set up and test your new system. We have been installing stationary batteries for over 20 years. We have the experience, equipment and capabilities to safely perform the best Stationary Power Services.

CO/MSC/Cell Site Power Equipment

We have Level IV (4) technicians, with an average of 15 years of experience, throughout the US who provide proper equipment installation and maintenance. We ensure consistency of process across all regions meeting each customers requirements.

Transition Work

The Level IV (4) DC Power Installer are trained to install circuit modifications; power transition operations; addition of; and removal of circuits on working power distribution sources, power system equipment tests and turn-ups.

Data Center UPS

Routine maintenance ensures your UPS equipment stays reliable, improving your UPS’s overall performance and extending their useful life. Service plans allow customers to be proactive; providing opportunity to detect potential points of failure preventing expensive problems.

Industrial Power

We understand the importance of well executed turnarounds and facility maintenance to the successful operation of refineries, chemical plants, power plants and other industrial facilities. We provide preventive maintenance and load testing to ensure your system is working properly. We have a project management team to successfully turn around new and replacement projects on time and on budget.


Ground testing is the foundation of the entire electrical system. Ensure new installations meet grounding specifications or existing equipment continues meeting specifications. Proper ground protects your personnel and equipment and is an essential Stationary Power Services. We can perform detailed testing per IEEE 81 to ensure you meet NEC guidelines. 

Removal/Cable Mining

We can provide complete battery decommissioning and recycling following all proper disposal guidelines of old batteries and equipment. We offer a cable mining service to remove all unwanted and unused cables.. With careful planning we identify all the unused cables and carefully remove them from the facility.