Power Storage Solutions #1 Safe Battery Capacity Testing Services

Jun 18, 2021 | Batteries, Battery Capacity Testing, Preventive Maintenance, Service, Technical Services, Telecommunications, UPS | 0 comments

Battery Capacity TestDo you know if you have “enough battery” to provide electricity for your plant when you lose primary operational power?  Battery capacity testing is an essential part of battery maintenance.  Although many other test methods estimate the condition of a battery, capacity testing is the only TRUE way to determine if the battery will support your critical load when you need it.  Power Storage Solutions battery capacity testing lets you know the battery performance, expected life, and identifies any weak cells.

Types of Battery Capacity Testing

Power Storage Solutions conducts acceptance testing, performance testing, modified performance testing and service testing.  We can help you determine the best testing solution to give you peace of mind and the assurance your battery system will perform under any situation.

  • Acceptance Battery Capacity Testing: A constant current test performed on a new battery system after initial and freshening charges are completed.  Power Storage Solutions can perform this in-house or after installation to ensure new batteries perform as designed.
  • Performance Battery Capacity Testing: Like the acceptance test, but performed on batteries in service.  The battery is tested after an equalization charge.  This continues to ensure the battery’s performance.
  • Modified Performance Battery Capacity Testing: Is a test of the battery capacity in an “as found” condition and its ability to provide a high-rate, short-duration load (often the highest rate of the duty cycle). This will confirm the battery’s ability to meet the critical period of the load duty cycle, in addition to determining its percentage of rated capacity.
  • Service Battery Capacity Testing: The battery test equipment is programmed to apply loads to the battery which reflect the batteries designed duty cycle profile.  This test usually consists of several current steps for varying durations.

Benefits of Battery Capacity Testing

The intent of any battery capacity testing is to validate your battery capacity and how it will perform under load.  There are other benefits of having a battery professional like Power Storage Solutions perform and interpret your tests.

  • You can determine where the battery is on its predictable life curve.
  • You can better predict and budget to replace the battery system.
  • You can locate weak cells and poor connections and address before they become major issues.

In choosing to work with Power Storage Solutions as your battery specialist, we can help you interpret the results, make corrective actions, and plan your future budgets.

Frequency of Battery Capacity Testing

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) provides testing recommendations based on time and condition-based recommendations for the various battery chemistries after the initial acceptance test.  IEEE provides these as guidelines as your environment or needs may vary.  Power Storage Solutions can help you define the best time frames.

  • IEEE 450 Vented Lead Acid (Flooded)
    • Acceptance Test at Time of Install
    • Capacity Greater than 90% – Every 4 to 5 Years
    • Capacity 80% to 90% – Annually
    • Capacity Less 80% – Budget to Replace the Battery System.
  • IEEE 1188 Valve Regulated Lead Acid (VRLA)
    • Acceptance Test at Time of Install
    • Capacity Greater than 90% – Every 4 to 5 Years
    • Capacity 80% to 90% – Annually
    • Capacity Less 80% – Budget to Replace the Battery System.
  • IEEE 1106 Nickle Cadmium (NiCd)
    • Acceptance Test at Time of Install
    • Every 5 Years
    • Annually if > 1.5% per year loss since last test.
    • Capacity Less 80% – Budget to Replace the Battery System

 State of the Art Battery Capacity Testing

Power Storage Solutions uses wireless testing equipment and Cannon certified load banks.  These systems are very portable making them easy to use in any environment or location.  Compared to common wire connected systems, PWRSS wireless testing is more efficient, safer, and accurate.

When testing is complete, we provide a comprehensive report containing the following:

  • Specific battery tested
  • Charger/UPS information
  • Pretest individual cell float voltages
  • Battery discharge performance data.

Additionally, we identify and recommend corrective actions for any problems uncovered during testing. Batteries are also photographed to document any issues.

Battery Capacity Testing is essential to the reliability of your plan.  Contact us today for your company’s peace of mind.  We will help put your plan together.

Link to article featured in BIC Magazine